
Leadership Blog

Working To Ensure Belmont Day’s Legacy

By Anthea Lavergne, Director of Curriculum and the Associate Teacher Program | January 18, 2024

Last week in this space, my colleague, Jess Halton, beautifully wrote about how we, as a community, can honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through “Teaching, Learning, and Philanthropy.” Her words got me thinking about legacy and how closely connected a person’s legacy is to our socialization, relationships with history, and personal experiences, beliefs, attitudes, […]

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Jessica Halton

Honoring Dr. King Through Teaching, Learning, and Philanthropy

By Jessica Halton, Director of Development | January 12, 2024

“Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” ― Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words guide us as we strive to nurture a culture of philanthropy here at Belmont Day. While our six core values—excellence, […]

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Brendan Largay

Happy New Year, Belmont Day!

By Brendan Largay, Head of School | January 05, 2024

We are already back in the groove! Students did not miss a beat as they returned to their classrooms, and teachers were ready to greet them, well-rested themselves. High fives and other delightful greetings at the doorways of lower school classrooms, energetic middle school athletics practices, the hum of engaged learning, and efforts like the […]

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Brendan Largay

Happy Holidays and Welcome Winter Break!

By Brendan Largay, Head of School | December 16, 2023

As we look ahead to bidding 2023 a fond farewell, I want to thank this community for how we have grown, shared, and cared for one another through this first half of the school year. This poem, written by Sudeep Sen and read this morning at our Winter Concert, captures for me the essence of […]

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Jessica Halton

What Does Philanthropy Mean to You?

By Jessica Halton, Director of Development | December 08, 2023

“What Does Philanthropy Mean to You?” I posed this question to my colleagues at a faculty meeting in September. The responses varied along quite a spectrum, from the skeptical (robber barons) to the altruistic (helping others.) As we celebrate and embrace a culture of philanthropy at Belmont Day, it’s important to understand where we are […]

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David Gordon

Winter Already!? How Time Flies When You’re New At Belmont Day

By David Gordon, Chief Finance and Operations Officer | November 30, 2023

It’s amazing how the seasons have passed so quickly since I joined the Belmont Day team. I arrived in the heat of summer, and in the blink of an eye, here we are, just two weeks from winter break. Having worked for many years in education, I am no stranger to fast falls, but these […]

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By Anthea Lavergne, Director of Curriculum and the Associate Teacher Program |

January 18, 2024

Last week in this space, my colleague, Jess Halton, beautifully wrote about how we, as a community, can honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. through “Teaching, Learning, and Philanthropy.” Her words got me thinking about legacy and how closely connected…
Jessica Halton

By Jessica Halton, Director of Development |

January 12, 2024

“Philanthropy is commendable, but it must not cause the philanthropist to overlook the circumstances of economic injustice which make philanthropy necessary.” ― Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s words guide us as we strive…
Brendan Largay

By Brendan Largay, Head of School |

January 5, 2024

We are already back in the groove! Students did not miss a beat as they returned to their classrooms, and teachers were ready to greet them, well-rested themselves. High fives and other delightful greetings at the doorways of lower school…
Brendan Largay

By Brendan Largay, Head of School |

December 16, 2023

As we look ahead to bidding 2023 a fond farewell, I want to thank this community for how we have grown, shared, and cared for one another through this first half of the school year. This poem, written by Sudeep…
Jessica Halton

By Jessica Halton, Director of Development |

December 8, 2023

“What Does Philanthropy Mean to You?” I posed this question to my colleagues at a faculty meeting in September. The responses varied along quite a spectrum, from the skeptical (robber barons) to the altruistic (helping others.) As we celebrate and…
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