
Leadership Blog

Welcome to Belmont Day! An Admissions Season Like No Other

By Liz Parfit, Director of Institutional Advancement | May 16, 2022

As the Belmont Day admissions team ties a bow on its second virtual season, I appreciate this opportunity to reflect on the past year and a half since I first joined Belmont Day. Amid the pandemic, arriving as a new director of admissions in August 2020 was a unique and challenging experience. The campus was […]

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Trudy Eyges and 37 Day School Lane

By Brendan Largay, Head of School | April 29, 2022

When I arrived at Belmont Day, one of the first neighbors I was introduced to was Gertrude ‘Trudy’ Eyges. At 94 years young, Trudy was a BDS regular, using our photocopier for the fliers that advertised the Tai Chi classes she offered in her backyard, connecting with Lino Medeiros or Anderson Santos about the maintenance […]

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Capstone 2022: 40 Incredible Journeys

By Brendan Largay, Head of School | April 15, 2022

As we head into the April break, it is my hope that you will join me in reflecting over the course of this break on all that we have had the privilege of learning from our eighth grade Capstone presenters. Over the past seven school days, we have had the honor of learning from this […]

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woodcock heather web

Teaching Toward A Place of Belonging

By Heather Woodcock, Director of Professional Growth and Development | March 31, 2022

Five years ago, I sat in a packed auditorium of soon-to-be Graduate School of Education master’s students at Lesley University who were all looking for jobs in the Boston area. The mood in the room was palpable: inquisitive fear with a dash of hubris. I looked around the room, remembering the excitement and anxiety-fueled process […]

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Being Seen

By Brendan Largay, Head of School | March 25, 2022

How’s this for a sign of the times? A faculty member approached me last week with a thoughtful request. “Can we start wearing name tags again as a faculty?” she asked. “Now that we can see one another’s faces, I don’t recognize a lot of people.” What a world. As we have comfortably transitioned to […]

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It?s A Madhouse ? And I?d Have It No Other Way!

By Brendan Largay, Head of School | March 18, 2022

Spoiler Alert … There will be no spoilers in this column about the incredible performance of “It’s a Madhouse!”. You’re going to have to see it for yourself! A screening of a video of the play will be held in the Barn, tonight, Friday, March 18 from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. The video will also […]

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By Brendan Largay, Head of School |

April 29, 2022

When I arrived at Belmont Day, one of the first neighbors I was introduced to was Gertrude ‘Trudy’ Eyges. At 94 years young, Trudy was a BDS regular, using our photocopier for the fliers that advertised the Tai Chi classes…

By Brendan Largay, Head of School |

April 15, 2022

As we head into the April break, it is my hope that you will join me in reflecting over the course of this break on all that we have had the privilege of learning from our eighth grade Capstone presenters.…
woodcock heather web

By Heather Woodcock, Director of the Associate Teacher Program |

March 31, 2022

Five years ago, I sat in a packed auditorium of soon-to-be Graduate School of Education master’s students at Lesley University who were all looking for jobs in the Boston area. The mood in the room was palpable: inquisitive fear with…

By Brendan Largay, Head of School |

March 25, 2022

How’s this for a sign of the times? A faculty member approached me last week with a thoughtful request. “Can we start wearing name tags again as a faculty?” she asked. “Now that we can see one another’s faces, I…

By Brendan Largay, Head of School |

March 18, 2022

Spoiler Alert … There will be no spoilers in this column about the incredible performance of “It’s a Madhouse!”. You’re going to have to see it for yourself! A screening of a video of the play will be held in the…
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