Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Belonging
Diversity Mission Statement
At Belmont Day School, we believe that a foundation of excellence in education is a diverse community where children and adults understand, appreciate, and celebrate differences. Through the process of recognizing and discussing differences, we discover similarities, shared values, and common goals. These shared values and goals are woven into our curriculum, which fosters critical thinking skills and empathy in our students and prepares them to enter a diverse world with responsibility and pride.
Belmont Day School welcomes people of all races, religions, family configurations, sexual orientations, gender identities and expressions, economic backgrounds, and cultural identities. We work together to nurture a community where listening, open dialogue, humor, and respect thrive.
Our commitment to equity and inclusion is central to our program.
Belmont Day School’s administration, faculty, trustees, students, and families work collectively to create a supportive, encouraging atmosphere where equity prevails. Our initiatives are overseen by a dedicated committee of the board of trustees and our director of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. The results of these initiatives are incorporated throughout the Belmont Day School experience:
- A collection of library materials enhances the academic program and social-emotional learning; book groups, workshops, and diversity training are hosted for faculty, parents, and students; speakers on a variety of diversity-related topics are presented at the school; and action teams focus on admissions, student affinity groups, and faculty recruitment and retention.
- Each year, some of our students attend the AISNE Middle School Diversity Conference and the AISNE Middle School Students of Color Conference. In 2014, Belmont Day hosted the AISNE Middle School Students of Color Conference, and in 2019 hosted the AISNE Middle School Students of Color Conference.
- Our director of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging plants seeds of awareness through structured classroom lessons, community events, and strategies to diversify voices in the curriculum and promote inclusive classroom practices.
- Faculty engage in regular Friday afternoon professional development workshops on diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging (DEIB) throughout the year and an all-day exploration of race. Each year, a faculty contingent attends the NAIS People of Color Conference, and many faculty engage in other local and national professional development opportunities centered around social justice.
- Students may participate in social identity affinity groups and ally groups. The groups may change each year, depending on the needs of our middle school students who express interest in participation through a survey.
- The parents’ association hosts a monthly book group focusing on books written from the perspectives of marginalized communities.

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My Diversity-Equity-Inclusion Ally Pact
I know I have blind spots
– the inability to see that what I’m doing might be harmful to someone –
I know I have tough spots
– the natural resistance to input that suggests my behavior conflicts with my intention-
I know I have blank spots
– a lack of data and knowledge about crucial differences in social advantages and disadvantages between myself and others –
I know I have work to do
I hope you will always feel entitled to let me know if my blind, tough, or blank spots ever cause you to feel anything less than respected, included, and well-served by me.
I promise to always do my best to receive your notice of my mistakes with humility and gratitude, to spare you from my defensiveness, and to learn what I need to know to be the most effective teacher/professional/ colleague/friend I can be.
B is for Belonging
Learn more about how we work collaboratively to build and provide our students with a thoughtful, engaging, enriching, and developmentally appropriate DEIB curriculum.