
Winter Concert Logistics

Susan Dempsey, Theater Arts Teacher & Ensembles Coordinator
December 2, 2019
Winter Concert: Logistics and Directions
Thursday, December 19, 2019
6:30 p.m. in the Downing Gym

Concert Dress

  • Ensemble/Middle School Chorus Members: black on the bottom, white on top
  • Lower School Chorus Members and all other students: dressy, festive attire

Arrival at BDS
Parking: Please coordinate your plans so that the fewest possible cars arrive on campus that evening as parking is limited, especially if there is snow. The processional of students into the Downing Gym will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Times and Places for Students 
Ensemble Students: Please meet in the following places at 5:45 p.m. 

  • Chorus: Music Room
  • Orchestra: Downing Gym
  • Wind Ensemble: Downing Gym
  • Guitar Ensemble: Polygon
  • Drumming Ensemble: Green Room

All other students:  Please meet in the following places at 6 p.m.

  • Pre-k through Grade 5: Homerooms/Classrooms
  • Grade 6: Room 269 (Mr. Spencer’s Room)
  • Grades 7 and 8: Kiva

Families and visitors who are dropping off ensemble students before 6 p.m. are invited to meet in the front lobby and Gallery of the Schoolhouse. At 6 p.m. we welcome all parents into the Downing. At 6:20 p.m. we ask families/visitors to find their seats, so students may line up for the processional.

Concert Seating
Pre-k and kindergarten families will sit with their families after their performance.
Grades 1-8 families may sit anywhere in the gym, except the rows reserved for pre-k and kindergarten families, and for classes. Seating is first-come, first-served.

Following the concert, students may be picked up from their assigned meeting spaces (see above.)

After School Students
Students who are usually enrolled in after school on Thursdays and who will not be going home before the concert will be supervised by the after school staff until their usual pick-up time at 5:30 p.m. A pizza dinner will be provided. If your child cannot eat this meal, please pack a bag dinner. Families should plan to bring their child’s concert dress so that they can change before going to their assigned meeting spaces. Families are responsible for supervising their children from 5:30 until either 5:45 or 6 p.m. (see scheduled arrival times above.)

Please make sure you inform the after school team if your child is staying until 5:30 p.m. and will be eating pizza.

A Note About Weather
If there is significant snow on the evening of the event, we may have to postpone the concert. We will use our ConnectEd communications platform to inform you should we need to reschedule.

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