We had a wonderful crew of Belmont Day faculty, students, parents, and friends join to prepare the school garden for the 2019 season. A beautiful day greeted our participants who enjoyed raking, planting, clearing, weeding, and more. Students planted over 80 feet of snap and pod peas, as well as a full bed of greens. Look for an early bounty for sale on community service day—Friday, May 17—where we will be selling these fresh organic greens along with our very own BDS honey. All proceeds will help fund the school garden program. Thank you to all who came to help!
By Kathy Jo Solomon, visual arts teacher and sustainability coordinator |
September 6, 2024
The school garden has had a great season and continues to produce a variety of vegetables. This summer, we harvested over 175 pounds of fresh, chemical-free vegetables and herbs that included cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, garlic scapes, beans, tomatoes, basil,…