
Thank You for a Fantastic Giving Day!

Kyle Beatty, assistant director of development
December 16, 2022

On Tuesday, this community came together on our fourth annual BDS Giving Day and rose to the occasion, demonstrating our strength and love for BDS! With participation as the focus of the day, for 24 hours, we turned to one another to inspire and challenge. I am grateful to the many parent volunteers who supported the development team throughout the day. The collective effort to prepare, participate, and help was instrumental in the day’s success, allowing us to exceed our goals and unlock impactful challenges.

Our development team would also like to offer a sincere thank you to our community as a whole—current families, alumni, parents of alumni, trustees, faculty, grandparents, and friends—who supported our mission to inspire and challenge every student. Below you will find a recap of the success we accomplished together on Giving Day.


  • We not only met our goals, but we surpassed them! Over 250 gifts and pledges will move the BDS mission forward.
  • Our full community of current families, alumni, past parents, grandparents, faculty, trustees, and friends participated, and we feel the love! Thank you for continuing to prioritize the future of BDS.
  • We unlocked a generous gift of $75,000 to the annual fund. This challenge was not easy to achieve in less than one day, but you did it! The BDS values are present in each gift received. The day raised over $290,000.

In 24 hours, we increased current parent participation up to 85%. Current class participation is:

Pre-kindergarten: 85% | Kindergarten: 92% | Grade 1: 89%

Grade 2: 85% | Grade 3: 87% | Grade 4: 91% | Grade 5: 90%

Grade 6: 79% | Grade 7: 80% | Grade 8: 76%

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It’s BDS Giving Day—help us reach 225 gifts in 24 hours!