
Model UN Club Members Show Leadership and Joy at Conference

Jennifer Friborg, French teacher and Model UN club advisor
December 1, 2023

On Saturday, November 18, thirteen Belmont Day middle school students participated in a Model UN Conference at Northeastern University. These students were “delegates” of Brazil, Afghanistan, Albania, the Bahamas, Jamaica, New Zealand, Australia, and Chile. During the middle school clubs period, they worked hard to research their country and the issues they were preparing to discuss. They joined 450 middle school students from many schools around New England as they discussed important world issues and worked to pass resolutions to solve global problems. The issues our students grappled with at this particular conference:

  • Solutions to support climate migrants
  • Disease control in humanitarian emergencies
  • Eliminating childhood poverty
  • Reducing food waste
  • Promoting access to sustainable energy for all

Before they launched into debate, the delegates heard a keynote speech from Dr. Nichola Minott, a professor of international affairs at Northeastern University. She shared her journey from growing up in Jamaica to becoming a college professor, and her message included the importance of curiosity, education, and engagement in the world.

Preparing for a Model UN conference involves extra work outside of school, a commitment to effective collaboration, and a desire to make a difference in the world. All of our students did so well. They brought flair, kindness, and humor to their preparation work and spread the BDS values of excellence and joy at the conference itself.  Many of these students will be taking part in future Model UN opportunities this year. Be sure to ask one of our BDS delegates about their experiences as international diplomats!


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