
Middle Schoolers Pitch In To Pick Up Recycling

Kathy Jo Solomon, visual arts teacher and sustainability coordinator
October 7, 2022

Middle school students began their school-wide recycling job last Friday. Every space in the school has bins to collect recyclables, including paper, bottles, and cans. On Fridays, each advisory group will take turns with this important community service job. The students collect recycling from offices, classrooms, and shared spaces and then place the collections in the single-stream recycling dumpster. Third graders also participate in this job by collecting the recycling in the Labyrinth areas (grades 3-5) and then placing their collections into large receptacles that the middle school volunteers will then empty.

This shared job connects directly to our school values and sustainability. Students see the importance of their commitment to participating in caring for our natural world. They act responsibly and promote respect for our community and how they can make a difference at BDS and beyond. Finally, they take joy in a group activity that is both helpful and fun.

If you see these hardworking individuals at pick-up on Fridays, please cheer them on and appreciate their excellent work!


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