
Learning Updates for Week of March 30 to April 3

April 6, 2020

With the switch to offsite learning due to the coronavirus outbreak, our faculty will be sharing various curriculum highlights from their “classrooms” over the coming weeks.

Pre-k Launches Lunch Bunch!

Community building and social-emotional learning are the cornerstones of pre-kindergarten education, and we are doing our best to maintain these in our offsite learning. Last week, we provided more self-recorded read alouds, songs, and movement activities. Our “Peek of the Week” video has been a favorite touchpoint for children and families. We are continuing this tradition by sending out a new kind of “peek.” Instead of images and videos depicting our work at school, we invited families to share what pre-k at home looks like! It was such a treat to see everyone so happy and engaged. This and all of our previous “Peek of the Weeks” can be found on our Pre-k Offsite Learning Site.

This week we were thrilled to introduce Pre-k Lunch Bunch! Students had lunch virtually with a few of their friends and a teacher. Lunch is always an important social time and we were eager to find a way to replicate this remotely. It was a delicious success! We loved munching, laughing, and have a special time with friends. Next week, children will have the chance to eat with different classmates and teachers.

– Kate Oznick, pre-kindergarten teacher

Sixth Grade Studies Civil Rights in America

Students in sixth grade social studies have been exploring the philosophy and mechanics of non-violent direct action. Having studied about what segregation was like in the United States, they are now looking at how civil rights advocates went about challenging it, using documentary film resources such as Eyes on the Prize and Freedom Riders. Students wrestled with questions like: How did young people change the world? Why would some people respond to peaceful protests with violence? Why would some risk their lives to take action or choose to go to jail? Why would some people who were “outsiders” choose to get involved? Students will look more deeply at the events of Birmingham in 1963 before designing individual projects focused on civil rights and human rights issues anywhere in the world. After all, this is not just about what happened in the past, it is about all of us, every day.

– Dean Spencer, grade 6 social studies teacher

Making Music With Toys

In our pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and first grade music classes, we learned that even a toy musical instrument can be used to make music. The instruments do not need to be fancy. Mr. Toppa showed students in Ebeneezer Sneezer just that when he played on his toy ‘Keyboard Xylophone.’ The students also sang along in solfege to the song. Whatever musical instrument a student has at home (or they can make one!), this is a good time to work on music-making skills. I am practicing my baritone horn (see photo) on a daily basis. Think about how your student can use this time to explore some of their musical interests.

– Frank Toppa, music teacher

By Kathy Jo Solomon, visual arts teacher and sustainability coordinator |

September 6, 2024

The school garden has had a great season and continues to produce a variety of vegetables. This summer, we harvested over 175 pounds of fresh, chemical-free vegetables and herbs that included cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, garlic scapes, beans, tomatoes, basil,…

By John O'Neill, director of athletics |

September 6, 2024

The eighth graders who arrived on campus this week are markedly different from their former seventh grade selves who walked out the doors in June. Sure, they may be an inch or two taller, but the confidence with which they…
Three teachers stand with a sign that says "Welcome! Responsive Classroom"


August 9, 2024

First grade teacher Geoffrey Fox, second grade teacher Katie O’Brien, and fourth grade teacher Emily Crawford attended the Responsive Classroom Elementary Core Course at Burlington High School. This national program trains teachers on strategies for creating a positive community, ensuring…


July 11, 2024

In late June music teacher Kassie Bettinelli and Latin teacher Nicole Buck traveled to Colorado Springs to attend The Gardner Carney Leadership Institute at the Fountain Valley School. The six-day intensive workshop helps K-12 teachers and administrators learn how to…
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