
Learning Updates for January 16 to January 20

January 20, 2023

Digging Into the Rocks In Sixth Grade Science

Students in sixth grade have started a unit on geology and are learning to define and explain the idea that geology determines biology, one of what Mr. Hamilton refers to as his four “Nursing Home Messages” (feel free to ask your sixth grader for clarification).

Having learned a bit about Earth’s layers and the ways in which they occur as a result of changes in temperature, density, and pressure, students went on to develop an understanding of the rock cycle and the three major rock types. Along the way, they had a chance to explore and closely observe a variety of rocks and minerals from around the globe to better understand how different locations, landscapes, and geological processes can impact the formation of crystals. From here, they will dive deep into plate tectonics and the ways in which Earth’s constantly moving plates sculpt and reshape the landmasses we call home.

– Bill Hamilton, sixth grade science teacher

Fifth Graders Unlock Understanding of Others

In fifth grade, students worked on their “Key to Understanding the Beauty of Others.” In chapter two of The Arrival by Shaun Tan we see the main character insert a key to unlock his new home and attached to this key is a symbol. In this activity, students constructed a physical symbol of the “key” to understanding others. The symbol represents an idea, concept, or behavior which they feel is the “key” to understanding the unique beauty of others.

– Vaniecia Skinner, fifth grade teacher

Third Graders Present Their Animal Adaptations

The third graders have been learning about the physical and behavioral adaptations of animals. As their culminating project, students designed and constructed an animal using their knowledge of adaptations as well as their own creativity! Some criteria included structural adaptations that allowed for an offense or defense against predators, instinctive behavioral adaptations, place within a food chain, and a habitat suited for its biome. Over the past few days, our third grade zoologists have been presenting these new species to their classmates in person as well as family members near and far via Zoom.

– Leigh Twarog, third grade teacher

By John O'Neill, Director of Athletics |

January 10, 2025

Launched a year ago in tandem with the return of badminton, the middle school squash program has expanded significantly in its second year. Serving 34 athletes, the program grew into two teams this year and has 10 trips scheduled to…


January 9, 2025

The 2024-25 associate teacher cohort has excelled during the first classroom placements of the school year. Each associate has now moved to a second placement for the winter and spring. Associates will stay in these placements with new mentor teachers…


January 9, 2025

First Graders Return To Math Stations After returning from the long winter break, our first grade mathematicians are easing their way back into classroom routines by moving through stations. They are reviewing concepts with two-dimensional shapes and exploring similarities and…


December 6, 2024

Seventh Grade English Tackles Macbeth “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes …” For six weeks during the seventh grade English curriculum, Charlie Baird, seventh grade English teacher and department chair, is kind enough to allow…
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