
Arts Update: A Cappella Sings

Kassie Bettinelli, music teacher
December 2, 2022

This fall, a group of seventh and eighth grade students took a cappella as their music elective for the first trimester. While working together in a vocal ensemble, students practiced harmonizing, singing from chords, beatboxing, thinking about vocal arrangements, stage presence, projecting their voice as a soloist, and how to change a variety of musical elements to enhance their performance. Students shared their hard work at an October Sharing Assembly, where they performed a song called “I Say So” by the artists Chloe x Halle. As their final project, they learned an arrangement of a song by Alicia Keys and Brandi Carlile titled “I Have a Voice.” Check out the video recordings of both performances. Bravo, a cappella students!


September 13, 2024

Fourth Graders Make the Dream Work  Fourth graders have started the year by talking about community and teamwork. One of their first activities was to make a pyramid of six cups, using only a rubber band and four strings (they…

By John O'Neill, Director of Athletics |

September 13, 2024

Tryouts for the boys’ soccer, girls’ soccer, football, and volleyball programs wrapped up this week and rosters are set for the fall season. Varsity teams will kick off the interscholastic schedule next week with six games on tap, including four…

By Kathy Jo Solomon, visual arts teacher and sustainability coordinator |

September 6, 2024

The school garden has had a great season and continues to produce a variety of vegetables. This summer, we harvested over 175 pounds of fresh, chemical-free vegetables and herbs that included cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, garlic scapes, beans, tomatoes, basil,…

By John O'Neill, director of athletics |

September 6, 2024

The eighth graders who arrived on campus this week are markedly different from their former seventh grade selves who walked out the doors in June. Sure, they may be an inch or two taller, but the confidence with which they…
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