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Brendan Largay, Head of School

BrendanLargay, Head of School

The Benefits of a Break

Happy Valentine’s Day everyone, and by the time you are reading this: happy February vacation!

As you head off, I hope you find that a break from the daily routine and structure of school provides you with the benefits intended from time away. A quick perusal of any number of psychological health and wellness websites and articles speaks to the importance of intentionally taking time for rest and rejuvenation. The doctors and researchers seem to agree: vacations can improve mental and physical health, and they can lead to a greater sense of well being on the whole.

I am hopeful, too, that the week provides the opportunity for families to reconnect at a busy time of year. Vacation time can be an excellent opportunity to disrupt the norm at home—a chance to gather for play, for a board game, or a movie, and for those who can travel, a chance to explore and share new experiences. But more than anything, vacations can provide that dedicated time to be together, which, in and of itself, can be stress-reducing and restorative

Above all, I hope the break is a time for you to play together. We offer joy as a core value with intent, and vacations are ideal for celebrating the joyfulness in your family. Wherever these next days may take you, I wish you a relaxing vacation, and I look forward to seeing you all when we return on the 24th.

BrendanLargay, Head of School

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Saturday, November 16, 9 to 10:30 a.m.

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