
Arts News, November

Frank Toppa, Music Teacher
January 13, 2021

Arts Update: First Graders Get in the Rhythm

First graders are exploring rhythmic patterns using lightweight rhythm sticks at home. They have also been doing a lot of singing outdoors, in class, and online. In class, the songs took the form of hand motion interpretations and speaking the words while their teacher is singing along on a recording and accompanying the song live on the guitar. There is more than one way to sing a song, and first graders have found some creative, safe ways to do so.

– Frank Toppa, music teacher

By John O'Neill, Director of Athletics |

January 10, 2025

Launched a year ago in tandem with the return of badminton, the middle school squash program has expanded significantly in its second year. Serving 34 athletes, the program grew into two teams this year and has 10 trips scheduled to…


January 9, 2025

The 2024-25 associate teacher cohort has excelled during the first classroom placements of the school year. Each associate has now moved to a second placement for the winter and spring. Associates will stay in these placements with new mentor teachers…


January 9, 2025

First Graders Return To Math Stations After returning from the long winter break, our first grade mathematicians are easing their way back into classroom routines by moving through stations. They are reviewing concepts with two-dimensional shapes and exploring similarities and…


December 6, 2024

Seventh Grade English Tackles Macbeth “By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes …” For six weeks during the seventh grade English curriculum, Charlie Baird, seventh grade English teacher and department chair, is kind enough to allow…
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